25 December 2008

Christmas 2008

The girls were very excited to receive a visit from Mr. C. this year. I was very excited to get a picture of them in front of the tree before they unwrapped all their gifts. Especially since they managed to get downstairs and open their stockings before Dom and I managed to get out of bed.

Evie plays with her Snugglekins monkey...

Twas the night before Christmas...

21 December 2008

All Aboard The Polar Express

After a snow storm which lasted two days and which left almost a foot of snow on our garden, we shoveled our way our of the house and ventured to Anderston Station in Woburn to take our seats on the Polar Express.

Millie and Evie, along with their buddy Caelan, had a great time singing lots of Christmas songs and listening to the story of the Polar Express. After munching on some rather nice cookies and a nice drink of pink milk Mr. and Mrs. C. arrived and presented the girls with their gift of a bell.